
Monday, 27 November 2017

F800GS overheating

This was going to be my last ride to Cornwall this year but sadly my reliable old BMW F800 let me down.
I had checked the oil and water as I always do just before a long trip and all was fine, I had no problems with it going to work and back. And when I pulled up at home after work and the bike was running fine. Loaded up the top box and got wrapped up in multiple layers and set off at about 1700hours and had only got about 10 miles when the fan came on and the temp had risen slightly above usual. Seeing as it was only about 4 deg ambient air temp I thought this a little strange so I pulled over and checked the reservoir and it was fine. As you need to strip the plastics off to access the radiator cap that was not going to happen at the roadside. So I let the bike cool down and set off slowly and turned around at the earliest opportunity and headed back home, I had to stop 1 more time before reaching home. And decided the this would have to be looked at another time as I needed to get to Cornwall tonight for Marcia's birthday. So the bike was locked in the garage and I set off to Cornwall via the van. Thankfully traffic was not to bad and I arrived at Marcia's about 2100Hours.
We had a great weekend celebrating Marcia's birthday drinking and eating with friends. The weather was cold and wet so probably not a bad move going by van. Now back home I have had a look at the bike and although the header tank was fine the radiator itself was low on water and had an air lock. I have absolutely no idea where the water has gone and why the header tank was still full. Now with a full radiator it seems to be fine. I will just have to keep an eye on the temperature gauge.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Packed and ready

We are both packed and ready and can't wait for the end of the month. That usual feeling of time slowing down almost to a standstill waiting for the end of the month.In my head I and starting to wind down at work but in reality things are ramping up for the start of silly season. Yes, how lucky am I? Escaping the busiest time of the year at work, as well as most of the coldest and wettest time of the year. I am sure they will keep me busy right up to the very last minute. (Rather be busy than not though).
I am sure Marcia and I will be unpacking and repacking once again next week making sure we have everything we need but not too much. Even with sleeping bags and all the bike gear we are both under weight, one of the joys of motorcycle travel you are very limited for space and we have both packed accordingly. Really looking forward to this weekend as I am off for a long weekend in Cornwall to celebrate Marcia's birthday. Hoping the weather is not going to be to cold, wet and windy. The forecast is not looking that promising but on the bright side there is no frost or snow forecast :).

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Time to Start Packing

Its time to start thinking about packing for our next adventure. Only a short trip this time for two months, a chance to escape most of the British winter. The last 2 years have gone so fast it seems like it was only a month or so ago I returned from New Zealand and returned back to work. And this time Marcia is going to join me.  We bought the tickets for New Zealand almost a year ago and its now less than a month before we fly out. Marcia is getting nervous about the flight and to be honest I am not looking forward to it either. Not for a fear of flying just the thought of 24 hours sitting still is bad enough but stuck on a plane, hopefully not near any screaming baby's this time is my head of hell. I am really looking forward to catching up with friends both old and new and riding some of the best roads in the world. My old bike the Suzuki Freewind has been looked after for me by JB and is waiting for me in his garage and all it needs is an MOT for us to use it. I am not sure how well that little old bike is going to cope 2 up, it was not the best of bikes to ride one up with luggage, but no matter what it's like we still have fun.